Return Policy

We are happy to accept returns on items that are new and unused with the original manufacturer’s packaging, or items that are defective, within 30 days of purchase.

In cases where an item is defective or the wrong item is received, SPEKARMS LLC is happy to pay for the return shipping. In cases where the customer decides they no longer want an item, the customer must cover the return shipping.

All returns must be sent to 4958 Edmondson Pike G33 Nashville Tn 37211. the refund will not be issued until the order is returned and the return processed

SPEKARMS LLC is unable to accept returns or exchanges for the following:

  • Apparel items that have been worn, altered, or tags removed.
  • Underwear (boxers, briefs, etc.) and face coverings (face masks, neck gaiters,earplugs and shemaghs). This is due to health code violations.
  • All underwear sales are final. This includes all compression shorts/pants.
  • Due to the nature of face masks, neck gaiters, and shemaghs being worn on the face, we are not able to accept any returns on these items.
  • Ammunition. Due to safety considerations, all ammunition sales are final.
  • Chemicals, ie liquids. Due to regulations and safety considerations primers, most liquids, and other Hazardous items are not returnable.


All shoes must be returned in the original box, which also cannot be used as the shipping box. You must place the shoes and the original box into another box to ship back to us. Any shoes shipped back with the original shoe box used as the shipping box, will not be accepted.

If you have any questions, please contact customer service at (205)-792-2178.

To start a return process please email [email protected] with your order ID.

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